Featured Artists
“I preserve my life experiences as free-verse poetry, captured moments, observations, and the occasional whimsical doodle in my journals. These meditations transform and evolve through layers of color, texture, and insomnia into tangible visual images. I convey these images through oil and pastel on hand-textured paper, board, and canvas, ultimately illustrating and defining my life story.”
To view more of Betsy’s art, visit

Featured Artists
Wayne J. Chunat, a retired naturalist and park superintendent, is one of the most versatile artists to ever appear in the wildlife art genre. He is equally at home with watercolors, gouache, acrylics, oils and pencil as well as etchings and sculpture. Since he is virtually self-taught, his techniques are all his own.
His style can vary from fin-and-feather realistic to lose and airy impressions, depending on how he feels he can best portray the animal and its environment. He uses first-hand observations, photography, and museum-specimen study to capture the living essence of wildlife. Wayne’s subjects range from birds, reptiles, mammals, wildflowers and ferns to natural landscapes and historic structures.